#BeautyBioBoss Series: Dorris James

Dorris James Boss Babe
Behind every successful woman is her mom, meet our CEO’s. Mother of 6 and grandmother to 16,

Dorris James has long channeled her energies toward motherhood and making it look easy, to boot.

Full of humility, good advice and a purse full of snacks, Dorris embraces the role with self-admitted sacrifice and one or two “Mercies.” 
The family matriarch shared with us the beauty advice she’s passed down to her kids, best-kept mom secrets and details on her upcoming book of ancestral short stories – an illustration collaboration with her grandkids. Basically, Dorris is the kind of mom and person that makes us want to call everyone we love and tell ‘em, “thanks.” 


Mother and grandmother to how many?

We had six children, first three sons, and then three daughters. Jamie is our fourth child and first daughter. My husband had requested the name of Jamie for our first daughter long before we began having children. When she was born, instead of saying, “It’s a girl!” we just said, “Jamie is here!” We currently have sixteen grandchildren (10 granddaughters and 6 grandsons). Our son Grant and his wife, Lindsay are expecting another little boy in June! 

What does being a mom mean to you?

Being a mom means the world to me. I was raised in a family with twelve children. I always knew that I wanted a big family, too. Even though I am a professional member of the American Society of Interior Designers, I chose to focus my energies on being a mother. Our oldest son, Garrett, is blind and has cerebral palsy. He has a pure heart. He once said to me, “There’s one thing you can always count on…your mother’s love!” That says it all. 

Mother’s Day traditions?

I always love it when my husband and/or children cook for me. It’s sweet and also often comical!

The role of mom in one word?


Power statement/personal motto?

Our family motto is “Where We Go One…We Go All” (WWGOWGA) It means that wherever we are in the world, we are always there for each other. It was sweet to me to see the motto on letters our children wrote to each other when they were away from home.

Fave memory of Jamie as a child?

I love thinking about Jamie on the day she got her first pointe shoes. She had worked so hard for years and years to strengthen her legs and feet to be able to go on pointe. When she was fitted for her shoes, I have to admit, I cried.

When did you first see signs that Jamie was an entrepreneur at heart?

Jamie has always shone! When she was still in elementary school, she would write and produce plays, with her siblings as the actors and actresses. She wrote out scripts and kept her performers on strict rehearsal schedules. Winter plays for the holidays were complete with snowflakes pouring over the upper balcony. Her most famous play was done as a school project, “Women in Colonial Medicine.” She played the part of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. It was complete with bloodletting, a tooth extraction, measles, and even an amputation. She was stellar!

Any family traditions you had with your kids that you’re now passing onto your grandkids?

I always loved doing art projects with my children. If they needed help with math, they knew to go to their dad for help. But if they had a creative project to do, they came to me. I’m currently doing a project with my grandchildren. I am writing a book called, “From Whence We Came.” It is collection of stories from the lives of our ancestors. They are short stories which relate acts of faith, courage, and honor which will give the children strength and a sense of belonging. My grandchildren are my “Illustrators.” I tell them the stories and they bring them to life. So far, we have finished twenty stories. I hope to complete it this year. They will not only learn about their ancestors, but hopefully read the stories to their children, too.

What beauty routines or tips have you shared with your kids?

My best advice has been to keep your body healthy and strong. I have always worked out in order to be able to care for our special son. I think the best beauty advice is to be strong inside and out. 

Biggest fad you wish you hadn’t participated in?

BIG HAIR! I sometimes cringe when I look back at family photos. My hair looked quite unnatural at times.

Most underrated beauty trend (of any decade)?

The most underrated beauty trend is an essential one…get plenty of rest. We’re all so set on getting things done at a super-human pace, that we forget to recharge. A good night’s rest makes everything better.

Most overrated? 

I still don’t know why people want a dark tan. It seems like a huge waste of time.

Best-kept mom trick?

Always pack a fully loaded bag of books, crayons, and simple snacks for the kids when going to Church. You never know who might need a little something to make it through. 

Fave curse word or phrase?  

“Mercy!” One stressful day I let out a little sigh and said, “Mercy!” Our son Garrett quickly replied, “Why don’t you get on your knees if the ‘Mercies’ are out?” Humbling, yet wise counsel!

But, I think the thing my children would most remember me saying was a little phrase that would frequently pop out of my mouth if they did something for which I disapproved. Instinctively, I would say, "That is NOT the Southern Way!" They all knew I was not happy about their actions.

Advice to new moms?

Don’t sweat the small stuff. Take the time to hold your baby. Breathe in that sweet baby smell! Soak it all in. They don’t stay small for long.

Fave BBS product and why?

I just love the “Daily!” I like the way it makes my skin feel tighter and smooth.  


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